Sunday, April 25, 2010

I have small bumps with whiteheads on my body. They dont itch but hurt when touched. What are they?

the bumps are the size of a nickle, and they dont itch. They hurt when you touch them. It is not an alergic reaction.I have small bumps with whiteheads on my body. They dont itch but hurt when touched. What are they?
Don't poke at them. If they start hurting more and more they could be a staph infection and if you become suspicious that they are, go to the doctor as soon as possible.I have small bumps with whiteheads on my body. They dont itch but hurt when touched. What are they?
It could be poison oak, poison ivy, shingles, chicken pox, epidermolysis bullosa, staph infection, ringworm, small pox or many other serious things. You need to see a doctor as soon as possible. In the meanwhile you need to keep your self clean, have no contact with others as you can pass many things to others.

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