Sunday, April 25, 2010

What product is good for whiteheads?

I have whiteheads on my cheeks, below my eyes, chin, and forehead what is a good product to get rid of it What product is good for whiteheads?
Clean and clear is the only thing that helped with my whiteheads so you can try that.Hope i helped:)What product is good for whiteheads?
i have the same exact problem! i get like these gross red whiteheads on my cheeks and they get all red and bumpy..its but for me..i take zinc pills..which arent over the counter so theres not any side effects ( i dont think) its kinda just like a vitimin for your skin..and ive been having 1 every night before i go to bed..and it really helps..just dont over do monly like 1 a night but..yeah also i use this netragena..idk how to spell but all there products work really good for me, and they'll probably wokr for you seems like we have the same problem!

hope i could help!..and sorry if its really long and
Go to a dermatologist,they'll prescribe you something that works faster,cheaper and better results.
DEFINATLY!!! the nuetrigina wave. ppl say it doesnt work but that is COMPLETE may not foam up as much as u thoguht it would but trust me that doesnt mean it doesnt work.

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