Friday, January 8, 2010

I have lots of whiteheads and blackheads although I wash my face regularly.?

I am currently using two products for my cleanser. Clinelle and B.Liv. Both are non-comedogenic and I use them alternately. However, my toner and moisturizer are both Clinelle. And I also scrub my face once or twice a week.

I have obvious pores on my face and my skin in sort of oily, especially on the cheeks and nose.

What could be the problem?I have lots of whiteheads and blackheads although I wash my face regularly.?
I am not to sure of the brands you use.

Sounds like you need to use a stronger acne wash

toner and spot treat your area's.

Black heads are easy to remove on the nose with a hot compress, repeat and gently push nose upwards.

You can work them out of your face with your knuckles (not nails)

and or a hot mask.

scrubbing your face once or twice a week you mean exfoliate?

Wash your face twice a day and stick with the same regime.

(Brand) Am and PM wash, toner and spot treat.

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