Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Effective ways of getting rid of whiteheads?

I have whiteheads on my forehead and there gradually going down my cheeks and around my whole face!!! it's horrible iv tried many branded things mask, lotions, face scrubs and face washes nothings working!!! can you help?Effective ways of getting rid of whiteheads?
To get rid of them quick just put toothpaste overnight, cleanse with usual stuff clearasil is the best. But always remember to use cream/lotion after cleansing. If it is really bad visit a dermatologist- early acne cure could mean you using milder medication.Effective ways of getting rid of whiteheads?
You probably need an antibiotic acne lotion from the doctor. You can try Neosporin until then.
bar of soap works for me- but not moisturizing soap. Just like dove or zest or something.

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