Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What is the right procedure to steam yr face in order to get rid of Blackheads & Whiteheads ??

Put boiling water in the sink and a towel over your head. Or you can guy a facial steamer. The steam opens up the pores but it doesn't make the spots comeout. You will then need to squeeze. Make sure you squeeze from a bit of a way out to get the blackhead all out from the bottom. Don't squeeze so much that it bleeds, they will come back. Then for whiteheads leave them. Put some toothpaste on them overnight and the swelling will go down. Picking is not a good idea.

Make sure you disinfect the area after picking to avoid spreading.What is the right procedure to steam yr face in order to get rid of Blackheads %26amp; Whiteheads ??
they actually sell steamers for the face but anyway i dont have a steamer i boil water on the stove and just put my face over where the smoke/steam will hit it or reach. but sometimes the heat bothers me so i get a towel preferably small and soak it in hot water that your hands can stand squeeze the water out and just throw it over your face and leave till its not hot anymore. do this over and over like 3 or 4 times. also if you just showered with hot hot water and you just put your face in the shower then your face.s pores are open.What is the right procedure to steam yr face in order to get rid of Blackheads %26amp; Whiteheads ??
i didn't know heat got rid on black and white heads.

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