Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hey guys recently i got whiteheads on my cheeks and forehead i have tried many different creams and cleansers?

but everything i use is really burning my skin ...its also making my face very dry and its starting to peel... do you guys have any solutions to this problem?Hey guys recently i got whiteheads on my cheeks and forehead i have tried many different creams and cleansers?
This always works for me and I recommend it to my clients: get some hot water and put a decent amount of salt in it. The salt will help draw out impurities from the pore. Then, soak the corner of a washcloth in it for a minute or two, but make sure it is still hot. (replace the water if you have to) Place the warm towel over the white heads for about 5 minutes, then use two cotton swabs to gently press on either side of the pimple. If nothing comes out, reheat the towel with more water and salt and try again. If you still can't get anything, leave it alone for a few hours and try again. Make sure you wash your face thoroughly after extracting (and tone if you have it).Hey guys recently i got whiteheads on my cheeks and forehead i have tried many different creams and cleansers?
Maybe you should eat healthier,

drink lots of water.

%26amp; wash your face with a pore unclogging face wash


Rub them hard and long with a cotton pad and cleansers. I remember one time I had a fat one on the back of my neck and it nearly went away completely after 10 minutes of hard rubbing with a cleanser and then soap and water.

If it's hurting your doing something good. You might wanna use the soap and water afterwards to prevent the spread of them.
Follow these remedies in case you suffer from frequent whiteheads. Mix Cornstarch With Vinegar, make a paste and apply on the area for 15-30 minutes, wash off with washcloth and warm water, this helps to get rid whiteheads. Used green tea can be utilized by scrubbing your face with it. Do it twice a week and see the difference. Check out http://useinfo-whitehead.blogspot.com/ for more useful info.

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