Thursday, December 17, 2009

How do I get rid of under the surface whiteheads?

I've had them around my lip/chin area for about a year now. Every face cleanser I've used hasn't gotten rid of them. I always try squeezing the whitehead out but it turn to a pimple and then goes back the way it was before.

I can't afford to go to a derma.

Proactive doesn't work btw, nothing will work for me.

How do I get rid of them?How do I get rid of under the surface whiteheads?
use cleanser after returning home from outside, use scrub after cleansing, and cover your fingers with tissue paper before squeezing out, else it will get allergic and wash your face regularly, do not go to sleep without washing away your make upHow do I get rid of under the surface whiteheads?
Find a product with the highest concentratio of benzoyl peroxide that you can find

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